Main duties: Stock keeping, Inventory control and raise the material purchase requirement.
? 在SPES系统中记录所有物料及成品的进出,确保月度盘点的准确性;
Keep the record for all material and finish goods in-out, insure the accuracy of monthly stock taking;
? 签收采购物料,确认物料与采购订单的一致性;
Receive and verify the material purchased with order listings;
? 根据发货单备货,并组织安全装货,提供实际发货单据;
Prepare items according shipping list, organize the safety loading and complete the delivery documents;
? 向主管汇报所有的物料丢失、损害及差异;
Report loss, damage and any such discrepancies to supervisor;
? 协助货物标签及包装
Assisting in the labeling and packaging of the goods
? 做好仓库文件资料管理,保存供应商送货清单,部门领料单及发货清单;
Maintaining proper documentation processed for the receipts of the goods from supplies, stock requisition of each department and delivery records;
? 做好仓库5S现场管理工作,遵守公司安全操作规定。
Maintain cleanliness and order in warehouse according 5S principles, and comply with company safety rules.
年龄Age: 22-45
- 教育程度或专业Education Level (specialty): 高中或中专以上
- 工作经验Experience related: 2~3年仓库工作经验
- 技能及证书Certificates: 叉车证、行车证优先考虑
- 团队带领 Leadership:
- 语言能力 English Language:能看懂英文的优先考虑
- 计算机能力 Computer Skills: Excel/word
- 其他Others:
Main duties: Stock keeping, Inventory control and raise the material purchase requirement.
? 在SPES系统中记录所有物料及成品的进出,确保月度盘点的准确性;
Keep the record for all material and finish goods in-out, insure the accuracy of monthly stock taking;
? 签收采购物料,确认物料与采购订单的一致性;
Receive and verify the material purchased with order listings;
? 根据发货单备货,并组织安全装货,提供实际发货单据;
Prepare items according shipping list, organize the safety loading and complete the delivery documents;
? 向主管汇报所有的物料丢失、损害及差异;
Report loss, damage and any such discrepancies to supervisor;
? 协助货物标签及包装
Assisting in the labeling and packaging of the goods
? 做好仓库文件资料管理,保存供应商送货清单,部门领料单及发货清单;
Maintaining proper documentation processed for the receipts of the goods from supplies, stock requisition of each department and delivery records;
? 做好仓库5S现场管理工作,遵守公司安全操作规定。
Maintain cleanliness and order in warehouse according 5S principles, and comply with company safety rules.
年龄Age: 22-45
- 教育程度或专业Education Level (specialty): 高中或中专以上
- 工作经验Experience related: 2~3年仓库工作经验
- 技能及证书Certificates: 叉车证、行车证优先考虑
- 团队带领 Leadership:
- 语言能力 English Language:能看懂英文的优先考虑
- 计算机能力 Computer Skills: Excel/word
- 其他Others:
职位类别: 行政/人事/文职/后勤
- 所在地区:重庆-九龙坡区
- 联系人:陈女士
- 手机:会员登录后才可查看
- 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
- 邮政编码:401326
- 地址:西彭镇铝产业园中铝萨帕特种铝材(重庆)有限公司